Archive for February, 2011

  • Argentina’s Smowtion On Facebook Approved List

    A few months ago, I wrote about “Mover & Shaker” Santiago Pinto, a successful Argentinean Angel investor and entrepreneur who’s backing ad network, Smowtion.  I wrote about Santiago and about Smowtion’s success at building its publisher and customer base.  Now, Facebook has just announced that they are part of its white list of approved ad networks. While I see tremendous opportunities in targeting the Latin American market and will be talking a bit about this at the SxSW panel in March, I believe that companies such as Smowtion and Brazilian company BT Buckets (mentioned in a vieo in a previous post) are great examples of entrepreneurial teams who think big and tackle global challenges. Yesterday, I was talking to a US journalist about trends in global start-up investing (at least my take) and it’s definitely a reality that top start-up talent knows now geographical boundaries and can be found world-wide.  Latin American start-ups and entrepreneurial teams are maturing at an astonishing pace and companies such  as Smowtion are leading the way.

  • Super bowl Sunday in Bogota Colombia

    Superbowl 2011About 15 years ago, when I first moved down here to Colombia from Silicon Valley, one of the biggest culture shocks was the fact that it was pretty much impossible to find a bar where I could watch the Super bowl.  After checking out numerous places, I was just unable to find any place that was showing the game (most didn’t even know what the Super bowl was).  This is in stark contrast to how things are today where one has a host of options where to, not only watch the Super bowl, but to really enjoy it.  By the way, my brother and I are the two on the left side of the photo (guess who is who).

    This may not have anything to do with anything, but last night, while watching this at the local Irish Pub, I couldn’t help thinking about how things have changed.  A lot of expats really are enjoying Colombia and this is just one of many reasons why they choose to stay.  In the last few weeks, I’ve been amazed by the amount of Colombians living abroad (Diaspora) who are either moving back here or considering it. Almost all of these are focused on the tech start-up market.

    Well, on a personal not, last night was also the end of a three week trip that my brother and his friend, Tim, have taken here in Colombia.  It was great to see how much they thoroughly enjoyed their trip and referred to it as the “trip of a lifetime.”  It seems that this isn’t just a case of a couple of guys who enjoy remote places.  This morning I was having breakfast with a super sharp entrepreneur, Camilo Gomez, CEO of Mantaraya Travel and he mentioned an article in the New York Times with it’s readers naming Colombia as the second highest rated travel destination. Also, check out this article from the Huffington Post on why it’s Colombia’s time.

    Well, it was quite wild time last night. Here’s a quick video I took during the game (interviewing Tim, but also with my brother, sister, Matt, Thomas and Daniel!):

  • Pivoting in Colombia

    Daniel DominguezI had a great coffee the other day at one of the many Juan Valdez locations here in Bogotá with an entrepreneur named Daniel Dominguez.  His company is called i-Azul, which was focusing on QR codes in general, and is pivoting by offering a more complete ticketing solution with Tickqr.  It goes a bit further than ticketing solutions such as Eventbrite in that, among other things, it makes better use of mobile devices (sms or smartphones).

    Daniel, who has a Masters in Robotics, is still in the process of pivoting his company.  Although, there’s still quite a ways to go, he’s shown persistence and tenacity in becoming a start-up entrepreneur as he’s been at this for a couple of years.  He’s got a great quality that I think will help him tremendously, which his interest in learning and getting guidance from the right places.  He’s been to Silicon Valley to get a feel for the start-up environment there and will be applying to the Founder Institute here in Bogotá.

    There is definitely an entrepreneurial culture in Colombia, but what I feel has been lacking is the development of high impact businesses.  In other industries, there are some great examples such as BodyTech, Andres Carne de Res and others.  Nevertheless, I believe that this country really needs to connect with the rest of the world and expand its start-up and investor networks to include Silicon Valley and other places and that’s one of the things that I hope that the Founder Institute will help with.  Apply here.

  • Ustedes me emocionan

    emocionadoUna de las cosas que mas me ha gustado durante el proceso de coordinar la llegada del Founder Institute a Colombia ha sido la emoción y el gusto que he sentido en conocer un grupo de personas tan interesantes, sencillas é impresionantes.  Hace unos dias tuve un almuerzo con el talentoso y decidido Enrique (you know who you are), una reunión para ver el progreso tan rápido é impresionante que ha logrado Gabriel y ayer me volví a ver con alguien quien se llama Andrés quien regresó de EEUU (dejando atrás un buen trabajo como empleado) para crear su empresa acá en Colombia donde él tiene mucho sentido de patria.

    Eso que estoy seguro que las personas que seguiré conociendo gracias a esta iniciativa serán igual de estimulantes.   Mi impresion es que los graduados de esta clase innaugural del Founder Institute Colombia serán la punta de lanza de una ola de start-ups Colombianas que vendrá con mucho impulso.  No será nada facíl graduarsen porque el programa es bastante exigente pero, por eso, el resultado es tan bueno (hasta ahora, 40% de los graduados han conseguido inversion – nada facil).

    Fuera de esto, los co-fundadores de PagosOnline, Jose y Martin, buscaron la manera de comprar un patrocinio para apoyar esta iniciativa.  Es claro que para su empresa hay valor en este patrocinio pero tambien tienen muchos proyectos que analizar dentro de su estrategia corporativa y, sin su amor por Colombia y sus ganas de hacer algo para este país, este patrocinio no se hubiera dado.  Para mi, se merecen muchos aplausos especialmente porque ayudan mucho mi labor de buscar otros patrocinadores (es mas facil cuando alguien ya se lanzó).

    Ya he presentado las opciones de patrocinio a varias entidades privadas, universitarias y gubernamentales y he recibido muy buen “feedback” pero es solo PagosOnline quienes tomaron un par de dias para tomar una decision sobre patrocinio.  Hoy tengo reunión con otra multinacional de tecnología para presentarle el programa y los beneficios de patrocinio.  Hay muchos factores que influirán en su decisión pero respecto mucho el hecho que su presidente haya reservado toda la hora de almuerzo para escucharme.

    Estos patrocinios pagan los viajes de los mentores que vienen de afuera y otras iniciativas.  Por ejemplo, estoy buscando patrocinios para que Colombianos de otras ciudades puedan viajar a Bogotá para estar acá una noche a la semana.  Esto todavía no se ha logrado pero mi interés es tener los emprendedores de mayor potencial en Colombia (hasta que uno los pueda identificar) irrespectivo de cual ciudad vengan.

    Ya tengo varias opciones para patrocinador legal (un bufete de abogados) para apoyar a los emprendedores en sus necesidades legales y tambien para que nos localicen los acuerdos del Founder Institute. Si vamos a abrir toda las puertas a posibles inversiones de afuera y local, es importante, tener muchos temas legales resueltos y para lograr esto, cada emprendedor y emprendedora (me alegra ver tantas emprendedoras que han aplicado!) va contar con la mejor asesoría legal desde el comienzo.

    Finalmente, parece que voy a tener varias opciones de recinto para la presentación de Adeo Ressi el 3 de Marzo.  Tan pronto esto se concreta, les comento acá y tambien enviaré un correo a los registrados.  Adicionalmente, estoy pensando en utilizar un sistema nuevo de registro donde se requiere su numero de telefono celular y es posible que les estaré pidiendo esta información.