All posts tagged eric schmidt

  • Silicon Valley Sigue Discubriendo a Latam

    WelcuEste martes, se anunció que el CEO de Google, Eric Schmidt, a traves de su empresa de inversión llamada Tomorrow Ventures, invirtió en la empresa web para manejo de eventos corporativos de Chile llamada Welcu.La empresa ya tiene clientes como Coca-Cola y BBDO.  El hecho que Schmidt escogió a una empresa en America Latina para su inversion número 22 demuestra que esta region debería estar en el radar de mas y mas inversionistas globales.

    Es importante notar que Welcu no es simplemente un clone de empresas como Eventbrite sino que incorpora diferenciacion atraves de cosas como una capa “social” mas integrada.   La empresa tiene una lista impresionantes de inversionistas anteriores que incluyen a Oskar Hjertonsson quien, junto con sus socios, recientemente vendió su empresa a Groupon.

  • Silicon Valley continues it’s Latin America Discovery

    WelcuThis Tuesday it was announced that Google CEO, Eric Schmidt’s, investment vehicle, Tomorrow Ventures, invested in a Chilean web event management company called Welcu. The company has already gartnered an impressive list of corporate clients from Coca-cola to BBDO.  The fact that Schmidt’s investment company chose a company in Latin America for it’s 22nd investment attests to the fact that this region should be on the radar screen of more and more investors.

    It’s important to note that Welcu is not simply a clone of established companies such as Eventbrite and others, but provides some innovation by more thoroughly integrating a social layer throughout its event management platform. The company has an impressive list of previous investors including Oskar Hjertonsson who recently sold his company (along with his cofounders) to Groupon.