All posts tagged saas

  • Open Innovation and the Cloud

    Zoho web siteAt the conferences where I speak, when I talk about Cloud Computing and the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, one of my premises is that this new paradigm requires new competencies. More than ever, companies offering Software-as-a-Service need to be true to the “service” component and be responsive to customer requests.

    Upon hearing this, many companies immediately think of customer service, which is indeed important.  Nonetheless, many customers and non-customers offer suggestions that could or could not be of value to such organizations.  Companies that hear their customers are also open so something called “open innovation” whereby innovations can come (in part or in whole) from outside the company’s boundaries.

    In terms of suggestions, one example revolves around the team at Zoho, a SaaS provider. As can be seen by the image at the top of this post the company made a slight change to its headline statement at the top of its web site between September 4th and the 13th of this year.  About a year ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing the company’s founder and CEO, Sridhar Vembu and must admit I was quite impressed by his vision and intelligence.  At that time, the company web site was little more than a listing of all their applications.

    I asked Sridhar if they were thinking of revamping their messaging to focus on customer benefits and improve the general design of the site.  He said they were and a couple of weeks ago, I stumbled upon the new site, which, in my mind, is an improvement.  Nonetheless, in my email congratulating them on the new site, I did mention that it might be a good idea to include two messages: 1) Who Zoho makes companies more productive and 2) the millions of users they have.  See my email below.

    Zoho email

    It says a lot that a few days later, they had taken action on these suggestions (from outside of their company) and implemented them.  It was certainly possible that the suggestion would not have been implemented, but it is apparent that they take these suggestions seriously and are open to anything that helps them improve. This is a great lesson in whatever name you’d want to put on this (e.g., open collaboration, open innovation, etc.) for other SaaS providers and highlights the type of open company culture that such companies would do well to embrace.

  • Innovación Abierta y la Nube

    Zoho web siteEn las conferencias que he dictado sobre Cloud Computing y el modelo SaaS, uno de mis premisas es que este nuevo paradigma requiere nuevas competencias para llegar al exito.  Mas que nunca, las empresas que ofrecen soluciones SaaS o basados en Cloud Computing tienen que entender que el servicio al cliente y la capacidad para responder a sus usuarios debe ser agil y efectivo.

    Muchas organizaciones piensan que esta agilidad aplica a temas de servicio al cliente solamente.  Sin embargo, hay una nueva ola de interés sobre un tema que se llama innovacion abierta.  Basicamente, tiene que ver con buscar nuevas ideas interesantes que pueden provenir de afuera de las “cuatro paredes” de su propia organizacion.

    Tengo un ejemplo muy bueno de esto y tiene que ver con la imagen en la parte superior de este post.  Verán que son dos versiones del sitio web de una empresa que se llama Zoho.  Hace un año, tuve el placer de entrevistar a su CEO, Sridhar Vembu.  Me impresionó mucho su inteligencia y su vision.  Sin embargo, una de las cosas que le pregunté es porqué su sitio de Internet no contenía mensajes mas fuertes de los beneficios para sus clientes de sus soluciones.  Sridhar dijo que estaban trabajando en esto y hace unas semanas vi el resultado.

    El sitio es mucho mas enfocado a beneficios y creo (aunque solo el tiempo lo dirá) que tendrán mejor conversiones.  Cuando le envié un correo felicitandolo por el nuevo sitio, di otra sugerencia que me parecería muy efectivo si pondrían prominentemente en la parte superior del sitio los siguientes dos mensajes: 1) Como Zoho hace las empresas mas productivas y 2) el numero de usuarios que tienen.  Ver mi email abajo:

    Zoho emailDice mucho que unos dias después, tomaron acción sobre una sugerencia de afuera de su empresa (he recomendado Zoho anteriormente pero no soy cliente).  Para los proveedores que quieran ofrecer soluciones en la nube, Zoho es un excelente ejemplo del tipo de cultura organizacional que tambien hay que tener para ser exitoso.

  • Mi Conferencia para los Partners de Microsoft

    Microsoft ConferenciaLa semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de hablar en el evento de Microsoft para sus partners (socios de negocio).  El evento se ejecuto en el nuevo hotel JW Marriott acá en Bogota el cuál quedó muy bien.  Cuando me contaron que mi conferencia era el ultimo antes del cocktail, pense en mi cabeza que lo mas seguro es que habrian dos o tres asistentes.

    Fue una sorpresa cuando el salón se llenó y tengo que decir que disfruté inmensamente la interaccion con la audiencia y las preguntas y los comentarios (algunos partners ya están avanzados en vender soluciones basados en cloud computing). Fue gratificante ver el interés que ahora está generando este tema lo cual es muy diferencia al momento que escribi un articulo para La Republica sobre dicho tema.

    Mi premisa es que el tema de Cloud Computing tiene un componente técnico pero, para mi, el componente mas retante (e interesante) es el tema de negocios.  Los clientes deberían entender las ventajas competitivas de adoptar soluciones basados en esta tecnologia (Ej. agilidad, colaboracion, etc.) al igual que los proveedores (la audiencia).  Esta es la conversacion que me interesa y que estaré exponiendo en por lo menos tres conferencias que ya tengo agendadas para diferentes entidades interesadas en fomentar la conversacion alrededor de la innovacion digital y, en particular, cloud computing.

  • Paradigm Shift: SaaS/Cloud Computing Workshop

    Taller SaaSLast week, I finished one of my SaaS workshops.  Eight people registered (from four companies) to learn about SaaS models that have worked, different options of revenue streams and use new tools to get to a concrete set of actions to execute and develop a SaaS offering with much more chance of success.

    Some of the quotes from the attendees: “The workshop confirmed to me that my understanding that continuous innovation in business is a reality”, “We now have tools to create a solid SaaS plan”, “We learned a ton!”, “The workshop allowed us to plan everything we need to plan,”the learnings from the workshop will allow us to convert our abstract ideas to concrete plans,”we now have new ideas for SaaS initiatives which we never had planned.”

    In Latin America, Venture Capital is still scarce for startups, so there’s a big chance that the trailblazers will come from existing companies with profitable revenue streams.  Nevertheless, there are already startups (such as JoinCube) that are off and running with their initiatives.  This workshop is designed to get the group learning from each other and provides some conceptual models for team members to exchange ideas in order to, first, develop an original plan and, secondly, to iterate or “pivot” quickly as the project starts to take flight.

    I will be giving this workshop in Colombia and then in other countries.  There are two versions of the workshop.  One is focused on developing SaaS offerings.  The other is for employees of large companies in Latin America interested in taking advantage of digital innovation and understanding how, as John Hagel espouses in his white paper on the “Shift Index”, digital technologies are transforming industries such as banking, retail, tourism and media.  Participants will make use of new tools to develop innovation initiatives for their companies while becoming literate on the “new world” that has come into being through digital technologies.