All posts tagged startup weekend

  • Emerging markets have a unique opportunity that most will squander.

    Think biggerThe other day I wrote a post about thinking bigger and now see that the concept has applicability to countries as well as startups. I took a day trip to Medellin yesterday to talk, along with my friend Conrad Egusa, with the management team of a multibillion dollar corporation with almost 200,000 employees.  They are taking a serious look at Colombia and, particularly, Medellin.  It really made me think about something that I’ve stated verbally but don’t think I’ve written here.  That we are living during a moment in history when a number of things are shifting (e.g., economic power,  penetration of digital tools, etc.).  Many countries (particularly, in emerging markets) such as Colombia can either decide that the future will be much different than the past and start making decisions commensurate with the opportunity before them or squander their window of opportunity and forfeit a much brighter future to emerging market countries who have more insight into this new global context.

    This event reminded me of the beginning of the year when an agency in Boston, Massachusetts (Jim and Sandy) reached out to me through my blog here because they were planning to visit Colombia.   For anyone reading this who needs confirmation that writing a blog and connecting with the outside world is rewarding, this should be proof enough.  In that case, I was able to connect them with the national government as well as my Founder Institute alliance partner, Ruta N, and they ended up having a tremendous visit.  In this case, it wasn’t a case of connecting them with others (they had that covered), but more a matter of giving them the low down from a bicultural perspective on what we see here.

    Going back to the session we had yesterday morning in Medellin with this impressive group of visitors.  First of all, it was impressive to see that the whole management team from the Chairman and CEO were present.  I just looked at their corporate website and it’s and looking at the management team pictures it’s amazing to see that they were all here.  It was really stimulating to follow their thought process in terms of analyzing the potential for doing business in Colombia and the types of deep, penetrating questions that they asked.

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  • Lots of stuff happening at once


    As readers of this blog will note, I haven’t been able to keep up with my writing.  It’s not for a lack of topics to write about, but more because I’ve felt so overwhelmed with so many activities.

    I continue to work towards my goal of creating an early stage fund for Latin America called Tayrona Ventures (new website coming soon).   Along the way, I’ve brought the first international digital incubator (Founder Institute) to Colombia, founded a new ecommerce startup with very hands-on local angels and became a General Partner in a new startup accelerator.


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  • Traigan sus ideas a Startup Weekend Bogota

    Startup Weekend BogotaComo escribí anteriormente, lograr avanzar con su idea de negocio es importante para validar sus hipotesis.  En otras palabras la tracción es oro.  Hay varias iniciativas que se ejecutarán en las proximas semanas enfocadas a esto y, como mencioné en el mismo articulo, el proximo semestre de Founder Institute Bogota abre convocatoria en enero.  En la proxima semana anuncarié la iniciativa de la cual escribí (hoy tengo llamada de conferencia con Silicon Valley para concretar esto) hace una semana sobre “tracción” pero no hay nada como empezar ahora y para esto los invito a registarsen en Startup Weekend Bogota que se ejecutará la proxima semana.

    La proxima semana vendrá el Startup Weekend a Bogota.  Son 54 horas intensivas de trabajo para lograr tracción o avance en su idea y validar a algunas hipotesis sobre su idea de negocio.  Se llevará a cabo por primera  vez en Colombia dentro del marco de “Colombia 3.0” del 6 al 8 de Octubre de 2011, gracias a la iniciativa de jóvenes empresarios, Javier González e Ingrid Lucas, y a la extensa colaboración y apoyo del Ministerio de Tecnologías de la información y las Comunicaciones (MINTIC).  El evento “Startup Weekend” a nivel global tiene una gran trayectoria, en el cual han participado más de 30,000 emprendedores de 40 países y han iniciado más de 600 empresas con el apoyo de “Angel Investors” e inversionistas de Capital de Riesgo en etapa temprana.

    Tambien reunirá todo tipo de perfiles emprendedores (diseñadores, desarrolladores, marketing, comunicadores etc.). Se juntarán en equpios y podrán hablar con mentores para guiarlos.  Si desea registrase lo puede hacer aqui.  El URL es la siguiente: