All posts tagged startup

  • Colombia Startup Initiative Launching in 2011

    It’s been a wild ride this past year and, now, in 2011, I feel that a lot of things will come together. My mantra for the coming years is helping get Latin America, as a region, competing at the highest level. This means, working with startups (getting them off the ground, giving them visibility, etc.) and working with established technology companies, training traditional companies in Digital Innovation, evangelizing the need for all of this, and, finally, actually executing (hands-on) some amazing strategies for companies.
    With respect to the first objective (getting world-class startups off the ground), I’ve been insinuating for a while that I’ll be launching something in Colombia, where I see a major need for this. I’m finally ready to pre-announce what it is I’ve been working on.
    Here’s the pre-announcement: On February 25th, we’ll be executing the first program for Startup founders in Colombia connecting successful international founders (especially, from Silicon Valley) and successful local founders with promising future entrepreneur/founders here in Colombia. We won’t be reinventing the wheel since we’ll be bringing an established program called the Founder Institute (created by Adeo Ressi) for the first time to Latin America. I have a counterpart in Chile who will be executing it there also.
    I’ve seen a lot of initiatives here in Colombia and many of them have merit, but I haven’t seen initiatives which, in my opinion, take startup space (specifically, startups that make use of technology to innovate) to level that’s really required to get Colombia more competitive (especially when compared with Chile, Argentina and Brazil). I’ve gotten some criticism down here for saying that Colombia isn’t on a par with the aforementioned countries, but none of this criticism was based on sufficient objective arguments to convince me otherwise.
    I’ll be writing more about this initiative in the following weeks. If I’m able to get sponsors on board, they will help tremendously in making this initiative much less costly for entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, I’ve already met with quite a few people that represent large organizations (government, companies and universities), which would benefit greatly from co-sponsoring this type of initiative, but that doesn’t mean that they actually will do it.
    Ok. That’s enough computer work today. Now it’s time to have some great wine with a great pal named Guido…

  • Hora del Show se movió para 8pm (Colombia Time)

    Esta noche estaremos de nuevo transmitiendo el Tropical Gringo Show junto con Thomas Floracks.  Primero que todo, esta vez necesito recordar de presionar el boton de grabacion! Luego, se enviará el Tweet del evento pidiendo un retweet y le pediremos a nuestra audiencia que se presente por chat.

    Por mi parte, voy a hablar sobre un evento donde me desempeñe de nuevo como juez de una competencia.  Esta vez, junto con otros jueces, calificamos unos proyectos de directivos de Universidades para crear iniciativas de fomento de startups.  Daré mis impresiones sobre lo que vi.  Tambien hablare de unos articulos que escribi en VentureBeat sobre una empresa impresionante Isrealita que tiene un software para manejar campañas de Google, sobre una adquisicion por parte de Adobe y, finalmente, otro sobre una reunion que sostuvo Microsoft con analistas de inversion.

    Estoy seguro que Thomas tendrá unos temas interesantes y, mejor que eso, estoy seguro que tendremos un buen debate sobre cualquier punto o tema que la audiencia nos manda.  Así que piensan en algun tema sobre el cual tienen mucho interes y/o una opinion fuerte.  Vamos a intentar poner a funcionar Skype (usando el ID tropicalgringo) por si acaso le pedimos a alguien que nos llame para dialogar entonces por favor tengan su Skype listo.

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